The materials listed below are resources about sexual responsibility. In other for young people to understand the physical and emotional changes they experience during adolescence and be able to take control of their lives, they must have practical as well ...
Monthly Archives: March 1995
It is Wonderful Being A Girl
Every girl as he leaves childhood and enters adolescence (young womanhood) at least at the age of ten begins to notice many physical and emotional changes. When you begin to menstruate, it is a sign that these changes are happening. ...
Games People Play: Seduction Lines and Responses
A lot of times, both girls and boys seduce each other, with flattery/polishing words and so on. Some teenagers shared some of the unforgettable comments passed by the opposite sex and their smart and cute response. Guy: sex isn’t such ...
Key Sexuality Concepts
For any programme to be considered comprehensive, six major concepts of sexuality education which need to be included have been identified as: Key Concept 1: Human Development Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology Reproduction Puberty Body image Sexual identity and orientation Key ...
Professional Sexuality Training Holds at AHI
Research show that despite the attainment of puberty at early ages and the increasing rate of sexual activity among our youth, sexuality education and adolescent specific health services are not readily available; adolescents account for over 20% of the total ...
Poems – March 1995
NO SAY NO Extracted from The Awareness: A Youth Counseling Centre Girls take care They put on innocent looks They say I love you my sweet heart They take you to romantic films They tend to be too sweet and ...
SEX: Tough Questions, Smart Answers
BOSE, 15 sat at the end of a table in the crowded dining hall, listening to her classmate Ronke talking. She said her boyfriend’s parents were going to be out of the house that night and she was going over ...
March 1995
SEX: Tough Questions, Smart Answers Vol 3. No. 1 Front Cover SEX: Tough Questions, Smart Answers (page 3) Inside this Issue Poems (page 6) Professional Sexuality Training Holds at AHI (page 7) Key Sexuality Concepts (page 10) Games that people ...