Have a loafHALF A LOAF AND A BAKERY by Jennifer Ehidiamen

In the present age of information overload where youths can easily get confused about how to chart their future path, Half a Loaf and A Bakery provides tested practical survival ideas for young people to make the best of whatever situation they find themselves.

Divided into five sections, Half a Loaf and a Bakery covers critical issues every youth should have a clear understanding of such as challenges of getting started and survival strategies, money matters and overcoming fears that can easily abort ones dreams if not properly addressed.



Wise and Witty 1Wise and Witty Adolescent by Ajoke Gbeleyi and Oluwatomilayo Gbeleyi

Whether you are a student in secondary school or on your way to higher institution and want to live a life filled with a sense of purpose or want to learn how to make smart decisions about the things that are important to you, this book is for you.

This book focuses on issues affecting young people ranging from sexuality, leadership, vulnerability, accountability and wellbeing of an adolescent.  It gives advice on becoming a wise and witty adolescent.



secSECRETS by Yetunde Lawal

Everyone has secrets that they don’t want anyone to find out. This intriguing novel revolves around adolescent sexuality, premarital sex, unwanted pregnancy and abortion which are issues faced by young people. The author draws attention to the need for teenagers to understand the very contemporary issue of adolescent sexuality and the menace of teenage pregnancy.

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