Thursday, 11th June 1998 was like any other day at the AHI Youth Centre when suddenly, the pitter, and patter of tender feet took over the airwaves.
Twenty pupils of Yetunde Brown Nursery/Primary School, Ifako had come calling. The guests were members of the newly inaugurated press club of the school, accompanied by four of their teachers.
The ladies and gentlemen of the “press” were well prepared for their assignment as they asked questions about AHI’s work with young people. They also had the chance to receive information on the need for proper hygiene and good communication.
They were then taken on a guided tour of AHI Youth Centre. The units that caught their attention the most were the Participatory Video Communication unit, where video cameras and televisions sets were at work, and the Health Services Unit were they asked questions about their health before checking their weight.
It was a golden chance for AHI to host the future leaders of tomorrow. As a nation, we need to give them a chance today by caring for them, providing the right information and encouragement for them to be experienced and reasonable adults of the future.
Pit, pat, the child’s feet sounds.
The future rolls out like a cloud.
Ready to burst all tall and proud.
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