Medical Students Visit AHI

Students of the Primary Health Department of the College of Medicine, University of Lagos conducted a study visit to Action Health Incorporated (AHI) as part of the Department’s requirement for obtaining a first degree from the University.

The objective of the visit was to expose the students to a model centre providing youth-friendly health services to young people. The 95 medical students who visited the AHI Youth Centre in four batches were conducted round the centre and were informed about the programmes and activities of the various Units. The students also participated in a training session conducted by the AHI staff. The training focused on managing Adolescent Friendly Health Services.

During the question and answer sessions, the participants requested to know about the common concerns presented by the adolescent patients who visited the clinic and the experiences of the healthcare providers who attended to them. They were worried about the rate of unwanted pregnancies among young people and brainstormed on effective strategies that could be adopted to reduce the trend. The students also learnt how to make young people feel comfortable when they visit a clinic or health centre and received AHI’s Growing Up newsletter, fact sheets and information booklets.

The participants found the visit to AHI very useful and many of them expressed the desire to put to practice the new ideas and skills acquired from the study visit.

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