1. C – Rape is an act of power, not caused by being sexually starved. Rapists do not test out to be “crazy” on psychological tests.
2. F – Rapists are more likely to use tricks, threats or physical force than weapons.
3. A – More than one-half of all rapes occur in the home; the most common place is in a car.
4. T – Males are raped in the same kinds of situations as women. They are usually raped by hetero-sexual males. Men are less likely than women to talk about or report rapes.
5. A – Most rapists are known to the victim (a friend, neighbor, relative or a casual acquaintance).
6. F – Rape is a problem everywhere. It is a problem in small towns as well as big cities.
7. C – No one asks to be raped. Rape is getting hurt, and no one asks to get hurt. Asking for a lift is a risky situation where rape can happen. However, no one asks for a lift, intending to get raped. The way people dress has nothing to do with getting raped.
8. F – you cannot tell who is a rapist by the way he looks. They appear to be as normal as you and I.
9. C – Most rapists are under 35 years old.
10. F – Statistics show there are no false reports of rapes than there are for any other crime. Most rapists do not even report the rape.
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