Alcohol is a type of a drug that slows down the central nervous system. Drinking has the potential to make people feel sick. Anxious and even aggressive. There are three main parts of the brain that become affected when drinking ...
Dear Aunty – June 1998
Dear Aunty, Smoking makes guys look cool. Why am I discouraged from smoking? Confused Reader, Lagos Cigarette adverts make smoking look like something you will enjoy doing. They must make smoking look good enough to make you try it even ...
Poems – June 1998
DELINQUENCY by, Gilbert O. Egule The International Federation of Women Lawyers We read in the papers, we hear on the air Of killings and stealing and crime everywhere We sigh and we say, as we notice the trend “This young ...
Youths and Drug Abuse
It can be difficult for any young person to resist the appealing/attractive lure of the advertisements of the seemingly harmless drugs: alcohol and tobacco, which are all over the place. These adverts make it look as if success and recognition ...